The Dhaka Times
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How to deal with your bad times

The Dhaka Times Desk People's lives are not always the same. Bad times, good times are our life together. But if you break down during your bad times, it will be difficult for you to move forward in life. So learn your life lessons in this bad time.


1. Get to know people:

There is a saying that friends are known in times of trouble. Your true friend depends on who stands by you in your time of need. They will keep you ahead in your life's struggle.

2. Success does not come in a day

Look at those who have succeeded. No one became successful in life overnight. The temporary success of many people around you may depress you. But turn this frustration into strength. Success in life depends on hard work.

3. Learn from the struggle:

Your family or career or business may be going through a very bad time. Remember this struggle for any decisions you make at this time. Learn from the struggle. Life is not parallel for everyone.


4. Life is not perfect

It is a fact that nobody's life is perfect. The imperfection of achievement and non-achievement is and will be in the life of all people. Aspiration to power will drive you forward. If you have everything, life will have nothing to enjoy.

5. Time will make you:

Every moment has a value. This bad time will also give you an idea about life. Which is a lesson for you in the journey of life thus you will change into a mature person. So embrace every part of time within yourself.

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