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Now found in the trunk of the python snake!

The Dhaka Times Desk All over the country, there is a big scandal about snakes. The last snake was found in the Social Welfare Minister's house. Now found in the trunk of the python snake!

Ball Python

Tughlagi scandal with the snake will continue? Sometimes a python can be found in a cowshed, sometimes in a minister's house. Will this situation continue? This time python snake was found in a more exceptional place. And that is in the tank of the car.

Everyone keeps a bag full of necessary clothes near the trunk behind the car. But how would you feel if you go to pick up the bag and see a python lying there? It sounds like a story but it actually happened. But this time not in our country but in distant America. After reaching the destination, when he opened the trunk of the car to unload the bag, a large python snake came out! An incident that happened in America's mines.

Ball Python-02

Two female passengers were driving a rental car from Boston to Kennybank. Arriving at Kennybunk, they opened the trunk of the car to get their bags, and their eyes were filled with excitement! A ball python saw there. But they did not see any snake there while keeping the bag.

After informing the police, the police came and rescued the snake and took it to York Wildlife. Ball pythons are generally less dangerous than 3 to 5 feet long. But even after that, the authorities are unable to understand how the snake got into the car.

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