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Latif Siddiqui's 16 arts are left to be completed!

The Dhaka Times Desk Loss of ministership, loss of party post, lawsuits are all done now only to be expelled from the post of MP. That is, the sixteenth grade is left to be completed!

Disputed Latif Siddiqui

Latif Siddiqui, who lost the ministership, was canceled as the primary member of the party in the Awami League executive committee meeting yesterday. After that he can't even appeal. Now the Election Commission will decide whether Abdul Latif Siddiqui will have the post of Member of Parliament. After this controversial former minister Abdul Latif Siddiqui will complete his 16th grade.

Latif Siddiqui is not only Hajj or any person, he made bad comments about Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). As a follower of Islam, such a comment is not only unethical, but also amounts to apostasy. Many times many people tend to make mistakes after making negative comments. But he did not stop at just hurting religious sentiments. He later sang in Safa that his statement was correct. He said, don't retract what he said.

After this incident, Latif Siddiqui was dismissed from the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology on October 12 due to his refusal to resign.

It is to be noted that Latif Siddiqui said in a reception ceremony on his visit to New York with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, "I am strongly opposed to Hajj and Tabligh Jamaat." I am also against Jamaat-e-Islami. But more than that, Hajj and Tabligh are more against Jamaat. He also made adverse comments about the Prime Minister's son Joy. Latif Siddiqui commented that the Prime Minister's son Sajib Wazed Jai is the information advisor of the Prime Minister but he is not a person of the state. He said, 'How much manpower is wasted in this Hajj. 2 million people went to Saudi Arabia today for Hajj. They have no business. They have no production, only reduction. They are just eating and paying the country's money.' He commented.

After such comments, Hefazat Islam immediately protested by declaring Latif Siddiqui as a 'murtaad'. In addition, extreme criticism started across the country. Because of which the government first removed him from the ministry and then expelled him from the party, which initially mourned him. He was permanently expelled from the party yesterday. There are many accusations against him.

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