The Dhaka Times
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Custody strike on Thursday demanding arrest of Latif Siddiqui

The Dhaka Times Desk Hefazat called a morning-evening strike on Thursday demanding the arrest of controversial former minister Latif Siddiqui. Latif Siddiqui arrived in Bangladesh on an Air India flight last night. There are 22 cases pending against him.

Latif Siddiqui & Hartal

Hefazet Islam has called a morning-evening strike across the country on Thursday to demand the arrest of former minister Abdul Latif Siddiqui. If not arrested by next Wednesday, Hefazat Islam has decided to observe this hartal. Amir of Hefazat Allama Ahmad Shafi announced this hartal program after an emergency meeting at Hathajari Madrasa on Monday.

Maulana Munir Ahmed, press secretary of Allama Ahmad Shafir, told reporters that Hefazet Islami will hold a protest program across the country on Tuesday to demand the arrest of Latif Siddiqui. If he is not arrested by Wednesday, morning-evening strike will be observed across the country next Thursday.

In this meeting held under the chairmanship of Allama Ahmad Shafi, Secretary General Allama Junaid Babu Nagri, Organizing Secretary Maulana Azizul Haque Islamabadi and several top leaders of Hefazat were present.

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