The Dhaka Times
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Preparations for execution of Kamaruzzaman's death sentence are complete: only waiting for instructions to wrap in red clothes

The Dhaka Times Desk Jail authorities have made all preparations to execute the death sentence of Jamaat leader Kamaruzzaman. The hanging was also rehearsed. Now only waiting for the instructions wrapped in red cloth.

execution & just waiting

According to a source, this exercise was completed at night in Dhaka Central Jail after receiving the news that the death sentence was upheld in the court on Monday. According to media sources, fully prepared, Kamaruzzaman was brought from Kashimpur jail in Gazipur to Dhaka Central Jail on Tuesday. Kamaruzzaman was brought in prisoner clothes. At this time he was looking confused.

A prison source was quoted as saying by the media that a full drill was conducted in the prison only for those who would be involved in the execution process. Again the executioner who will carry out this execution is also included in the exercise.

This is the rule, said the source. The rule is that any time the execution of a death-sentenced defendant comes up, the exercise is done first. And that is why this exercise was completed after Kamaruzzaman's death sentence was upheld on Monday.

It is known that the prison authorities are now fully prepared for the execution. Now they are waiting to receive the written verdict tied in red tape. However, the prison authorities are not yet sure when the written verdict wrapped in red tape will arrive.

However, the period of almsgiving for the President is 7 days. In other words, the period of almsgiving will end next Sunday. The execution will be carried out at any time, any day thereafter. Various news media reported this. However, Kamaruzzaman's son Hasan Iqbal said, 'There is no question of asking for alms.'

Meanwhile, it is reported that Kamaruzzaman's lawyers will visit Dhaka Central Jail this Thursday morning. It is assumed that the issue of begging for life may be clear to the President.

It should be noted that the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence of the International Criminal Tribunal against Kamaruzzaman for the genocide of Sohagpur in Sherpur (former Jamalpur district) during the Great Liberation War of 1971. After this verdict, Kamaruzzaman's trial ended. Now just waiting for the execution of the verdict.

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