The Dhaka Times
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Watch Love Animation: Created on a Dozen Devices [VIDEO]

A group of young people have created a story of love through animation

The Dhaka Times Desk What is the definition of love? Many cannot answer. But a group of young people have created a story of love through animation. But in a slightly different way because this animation has been captured on more than 12 devices including iPod, laptop, iPad!


You will surely be amazed by the video. Because the two characters of this love story are cartoons but they are desperately running from one device to another. And they are controlled by some young people with great foresight. The video is not limited to one device, you need to see this animation on the display of more than 12 devices!

It was created by the group Brunettes Shoot Blondes. The video shows several young people first setting up their respective iPhones, iPads on tables and chairs, and as the timer starts counting down, the entire animation is directed by Google masterfully moving the device in a certain direction.

Are you surprised to hear? Let's have a look at the video-

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