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Harmful effects and release of sanitary napkins

The Dhaka Times Desk In the health conscious and busy life, women use various brands of sanitary napkins preferred during periods. It is very popular for its comfort and ease of use. But it has some implications.


Pay attention!!!

Women use different brands of sanitary napkins during their periods. Various brands of sanitary napkins are very popular during periods for their comfort and ease of use.

One of the reasons why a single sanitary pad can last you a whole day is the presence of harmful chemicals in it. Such as unrefined bleaching of tree trunks/vegetation and highly absorbent chemicals. which turns liquids into jelly-like solids. It causes cancer in bladder and uterus.

In the laboratory, the presence of doxin and sodium polycyclate, two substances harmful to the human body, was found in napkins:


Doxin is a by-product of chlorine that is commonly used as a pesticide. But the slightest presence of doxin in the body can make you its victim for life. The slightest presence of doxin in a child's body can destroy his immune system for life. This means they will never be what they naturally are.

Doxin in human body is a serious threat to physical development, reproductive capacity, immunity. As a result, hormonal imbalances can occur and even cause cancer. Our babies are exposed to these harmful toxin-rich napkins 24 hours a day and our daughters are exposed to them again from childhood. Hormonal disorders are becoming increasingly common in children, being one of the reasons for girls' stunted growth and height.

Sodium Polycyclate

Unfortunately, Doxin is not the only cause. Sodium polycyclate is a special absorbent gel that acts to absorb the aqueous solution inside the napkin. Sodium polycyclate has been blamed for staph infections. A staph infection is the result of staphylococcus bacteria that normally live on the skin. Sanitary napkin users are prone to long-term allergic reactions that they don't normally catch.

So what can be done?

Ultra Napkin in no case, you can use maxi pad if you want. Maxi pads are very safe. It is best if you use only cotton pads. And yes… definitely remember to change your pad at least every 5 hours.

If you prolong your period, your blood will turn green and the fungus can enter the body through the uterus. For which there may be various infections including cancer, allergies in the cervix.

There is no shame in this matter. Discuss with everyone, even with each boy, how they can help their loved ones and families have a safe life.

Awareness is very important
Stay safe, healthy and best of luck.

Written by-
Sanofi Mohin
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