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Calibrate to increase the battery capacity of Android devices!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have to worry a little more about the battery of our Android devices. But even more worrying is that in many cases many users have very low charge on their Android phones. It may be due to device system error even if the battery is not damaged. Today we will see how to fix this error.


Those who have low charge on their Android phone or are suffering from the problem that the charge suddenly drops from 20% to 0% can do battery calibration. Basically, our phone has a special smart sensor that controls the battery, with the help of which the battery shows you how much charge the battery has. But if there is any error in this program then the device will not show you correct statistics. In this case you need to calibrate to increase the battery capacity.

In case of rooted set you can calibrate to increase the battery capacity with various apps or if the set is not rooted then you will have some difficulty to calibrate but it is possible. We will first see how to perform battery calibration on rooted device.

First download this Battery Calibration app from Google Play Store, link.


Now after installing the app, you have to charge the device to 100% in one go. Launch the app when the device charge shows 100%. On launching the app, the app will ask for super user permission. give it Now check if the battery level is full (100%) while the app is running. If there is 100% then click on “Calibrate / Battery Calibration” option. Now switch off the set and charge it. If the 100% is charged, keep it charged for 1 hour. After that set it on. Job done!

Now come to those who do not rooted devices! Yes, even if your device is not rooted, you can manually calibrate it if you want. But it is somewhat time consuming. Follow the steps below.

1. Turn on the device and charge it until it reaches (100%) and keep it connected for one hour when it reaches 100%.
2. Now disconnect the device from the charger and power off immediately
3. Again keep the device switched off and charged for one hour
4. Power on the device with the charger connected and leave it connected to charge again for an hour
5. Disconnect the device from the charger and immediately power off or turn it off
6. Now disconnect the device from the charger and use it normally until the battery is fully discharged. If the charge is 0%, then give a continuous charge of 100%.
8. Job done! Now the operating system will get a better idea about the battery of the device, the problem related to the program on the device will be removed. The charge will not go down suddenly.

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