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Gasoline will be made from water!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time gasoline will be made from water. Carbon dioxide is mixed with water in a special device. And from that synthetic petroleum based fuel is available.

Gasoline is made from the water

Technology analysts call the device made by Germany's Sunfire GmbH as a 'wonderful' technology. Because carbon dioxide is being mixed with water through a special device. And from that synthetic petroleum based fuel is available. This information has been given in a news of the technical website Senate.

Reducing dependency on biofuels is not possible overnight, say researchers. Because current infrastructure and technology is mostly dependent on coal and petroleum. It will still take a long time to reduce the use of these fuels. Again a lot of money will be spent. But one solution could be clean fuel. The company named Sunfire is basically working on it.

This German company has been working with 'power-to-liquid' technology for a long time. Can convert water and carbon into liquid hydrocarbons such as synthetic gasoline, diesel and kerosene.

Gasoline can be made from water based on the Fischer-Tropsch process invented in 1925. It uses Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell (SOEC). In which steam is produced using energy from renewable sources such as wind or sunlight. Then hydrogen is separated from it by removing oxygen. The carbon dioxide is then recycled into carbon monoxide. Liquid hydrocarbons are obtained by the chemical reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Researchers have succeeded in experimentally starting the process of making fuel in this way. The researchers claimed that their device will recycle 3.2 tons of carbon dioxide per day to produce one barrel of fuel.

The chief technical officer of Sunfire, Christian von Olshausen, said, 'The experiment of making fuel from water has been successful. It has also been proven that this method can be applied commercially. Now the task of policy makers will be to attract investment. Only if it is possible to attract investment, dependence on biofuels will be reduced to a large extent only step by step.'

Experts see such research as positive for future generations.

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