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Human teeth found in McDonald's fries in Japan!

The Dhaka Times Desk Human teeth found in McDonald's fries in Japan! However, McDonald's authorities have apologized for this.


According to media reports, McDonald's reputation is world-class. But in recent times, this institution has come under criticism for various reasons. This incident happened in Japan. A McDonald's customer found human teeth in French fries! However, McDonald's authorities have apologized for this. But still, the reputation of this famous company is not getting out of hand. The consumer bought these french fries from an outlet in Osaka city. The tooth found inside was examined and found to be a human tooth. These teeth are also cooked with food. However, the company did not say anything about how it got into the food.


Incidentally, it should be mentioned that a similar incident also happened in the Japanese city of Koriyama in December. A child was hit in the face by a piece of plastic in the ice cream while eating McDonald's ice cream. McDonald's authorities were criticized for that too. Another week in the city of Misawa found a broken gramophone recorder in chicken nuggets.


After so many incidents, it has been assured by the world famous food company that their employees are working carefully so that such incidents do not happen again in the future.

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