The Dhaka Times
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Strike with the blockade: an uncertainty about the SSC exam!

The Dhaka Times Desk The country is moving towards an uncertain future. A 72-hour strike has been added to the continuous blockade of the BNP-led 20-party alliance. Due to which there is uncertainty about SSC exam.

uncertainty of the SSC exams

There is an uncertainty about the SSC and equivalent exams that will start from February 2. Because the 72-hour strike has been added to the continuous blockade of the BNP-led 20-party alliance. In such a situation, there is an extreme anxiety among the students and parents regarding the SSC examination.

The SSC exam has fallen into an extreme uncertainty. The number of candidates this year is 14 lakh 79 thousand 266 people. Among them, 7 lakh 63 thousand 339 male students and 7 lakh 15 thousand 927 female students.

This year the number of examinees has increased to 46 thousand 539. Last year 14 lakh 32 thousand 727 candidates participated in SSC and equivalent exams.

This year, students of 27 thousand 808 educational institutions will participate in the examination in 3 thousand 116 centers. Compared to last year, 319 educational institutions and 174 centers have increased this year. It is said that the examination will be conducted through 8 centers abroad.

This year 11 lakh 12 thousand 591 people in SSC under 8 boards. It has been informed that 2 lakh 56 thousand 380 students will appear under Madrasa Board and 1 lakh 10 thousand 295 students will appear in SSC Vocational (Technical).

Meanwhile, even though the date of the exam is approaching, there is an uncertainty about the exam. This year's SSC and equivalent exams are starting from February 2. But there is extreme anxiety among the students and parents about how the students will go to the examination center amid the strike. In such a situation, the government's initiatives are not reducing the uncertainty. The government will provide security in the centers but the parents are very worried about how safe it is to travel on the roads. What will be the final skin remains to be seen.

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