The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Carrot Savory Pudding

The Dhaka Times Desk Carrots are rich in nutrients. So today we still have a carrot item for you, a delicious carrot pudding.

Carrot Pudding


  • # condensed milk 3 cups
  • # eggs 10
  • # sugar 2 cups
  • # Carrots 6 Tbsp
  • # rose water 1 tbsp
  • # saffron half teaspoon (soaked in rose water and covered)
  • # Cashews (halved) 3 Tbsp
  • # raisins 2 tbsp
  • # pistachios 2 tbsp
  • prepared method

    Boil one and a half liters of milk and make two cups. Beat the eggs well in a bowl. In a large steel tiffin bowl, sprinkle 3 table spoons of sugar and add three table spoons of water and heat it on the stove to make caramel. After boiling, keep the bowl down. As it cools, the caramel will harden to the bottom of the bowl. In another bowl, mix well the beaten eggs and sugar with thick milk. Then add grated carrots, saffron soaked in rose water, halved cashew nuts, raisins and pistachios and stir gently. Now pour it into the caramelized steel tiffin bowl. Now bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. Or place the tiffin bowl in a large bowl of water and cover it with another lid and keep it on fire. Keep burning like this for half an hour. So that the water does not dry up. Now take it off and pour it on another tray and serve the delicious carrot pudding.

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