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If a Muslim woman gets married, the reward will be lakhs of taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk A Hindu Mahasabha in India has announced that if you get married, you will get a reward. They announced that if a Muslim woman gets married, the reward will be lakhs of taka!

Muslim women marry

A new program was announced just before Valentine's Day. And this new program has been announced by Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha. The program encourages Hindu youths to marry women of other faiths, especially Muslim women.
The program is named 'Beti Bachao, Bahu Lao'. If he could do this, it was announced that the Hindu Mahasabha would give a reward of one lakh rupees to that Hindu boy.

Dharampal Siwach said in this regard, "A Hindu boy who marries a Muslim woman will be given one lakh rupees from the Hindu Mahasabha."

The Hindu Mahasabha feels, 'Muslims are oppressing girls by marrying them through 'love jihad'. But we will give full recognition to their daughters. Moreover, if they get married, they will also be supported for employment.'

It should be noted that earlier on the occasion of Valentine's Day, the Hindu Mahasabha said that if a Muslim or Christian boy is seen with a Hindu girl, he should first be asked to convert. If she does not agree, she will be abducted and then forcibly married according to Hindu customs.'

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