The Dhaka Times
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Update News: Modi's suit sold at auction for Rs 4 crore!

The Dhaka Times Desk The suit discussed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sold for Rs 4 crore. The suit was sold for Rs 4 crore 31 lakh on the last day of the auction.

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According to the media, the suit discussed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, was sold at an auction for 4 crore 31 lakh rupees. The country's diamond merchant Ritesh Patel is said to have bought the suit.

Diamond trader Ritesh Patel told the BBC, 'We will keep this suit in our factory. The suit will boost our work.'

It may be noted that Modi wore the suit during his meeting with US President Barack Obama during his recent visit to India. There was a storm of criticism in India about that suit. On the occasion of Obama's arrival, the suit was made at a cost of 10 lakh rupees.

After much criticism, this suit was auctioned. The three-day auction also saw 455 other gifts received by Narendra Modi as gifts at different times. The entire money of the auction will be used for cleaning the Ganges.

'Modi's 'discussed' suit auction!' and 'Follow-up: Modi's suit cost 1 crore 21 lakh rupees!A news item was published in The Dhaka Times with multiple news headlines.

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