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Four Canadian teenagers of Bangladeshi origin joined IS!

The Dhaka Times Desk Four Canadian teenagers of Bangladeshi origin have joined the Islamic State IS! This was claimed by the country's National Security Intelligence Agency. However, the media is criticizing the issue.

Canadian teenager joined iso

Four Canadian teenagers of Bangladeshi origin have joined the Islamic State IS! This was claimed by the country's National Security Intelligence Agency. However, the media is criticizing the issue.

According to media reports, Canada's National Security Intelligence Service has claimed that four teenagers joined IS based on a video released by IS. According to the news, a Canadian named Andrew Palin, alias Abu Muslim, was killed fighting for IS in Syria last summer. Then IS released that video.

According to the National Security Intelligence Agency, the four teenagers are Abdul Malek, Tabirul Hasib, Noor and Adeeb. Among them, the police has published Hasib's photo in the media. The four Canadian-born teenagers are all school students. Their age is below 20 years. Their parents are worried after this incident.

According to media reports, these four teenagers first went missing in 2012. The parents immediately reported the matter to the Toronto police. Police later learned that the four teenagers left Canada with Abu Muslim to join IS. At that time, a few weeks after the disappearance, the parents learned that their children had not yet entered Syria, but were staying in Lebanon. Later they went to Lebanon and brought the boys back to Canada. At this time their passports were seized.

The news also said that on July 6, 2014, the four teenagers disappeared again from Toronto. This time, the four teenagers left the Toronto airport for Turkey with a man named Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali later sent a message on Twitter from Istanbul. In that message, he wants to know the way to enter Syria. The parents of the four teenagers became worried in this incident. Police and intelligence department people are interrogating them again and again. But they did not find anything.

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