The Dhaka Times
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Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut comments: 'Muslims should be disenfranchised'

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut commented that 'Muslims should be disenfranchised'. This comment was published in 'Samana' newspaper, which is known as Shiv Sena's mouthpiece.

Muslims should cancel the franchise

Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut in a column published on Sunday in Samana newspaper, which is known as Shiv Sena's mouthpiece, claimed, "Muslim voting rights should be abolished in India." This information was given by Times of India and NDTV.

However, this Member of Parliament of Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha also mentioned that Muslims are considered as a 'vote bank' in India. But he gave this opinion in favor of depriving Muslims of their voting rights so that voting politics does not take place.

Raut also said, 'Muslims are still being used as a vote bank. So they have no future. For this reason Bal Thackeray (founder of Shiv Sena) demanded disenfranchisement of Muslims. His claim was correct. If Muslims are disenfranchised, the claimants will be unmasked as 'secular'.

Quoting Bal Thackeray, the 53-year-old leader also said, 'Balasaheb said 15 years ago, if Muslims are disenfranchised for a few years, lobbying for their votes will stop.'

After Raut's comments, Muslim leaders of other parties, including the Congress, sharply criticized. Who has threatened to file a case against Raut!

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