The Dhaka Times
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Deer in the forest!

The Dhaka Times Desk Animals are our national wealth. Diverse wildlife has kept the past heritage of our country intact. But there is no such initiative to save these wild animals. In recent times, it is seen that forest animals are coming to the locality and falling under the wrath of evil people. One such incident happened in Charfashan upazila of Bhola. A deer has been caught in the locality.

It is known that the 3/4-year-old Chitra (Paila) deer, which came to the locality from the forest in search of food, was rescued by the mob and released in the forest with the help of the forest department and the police. After Fajr prayer on April 20, the people of Charkachhapia village of Charfashan upazila saw the deer and chased it and arrested it at Sikdarbari at a place called Karimpara. The forest department and the police got the information and rescued the deer and released it in Charkukri-Mukri forest.

Sameer Kumar Roy, ranger of Charfashan Forest Division, said that the deer came out of the forest in search of fresh water. Fazlul Rahman, Beat Officer of the Forest Department said, we got the information from the people and rescued the deer while in custody with the help of the Dakshin Aicha police station.

It is to be noted that 1 Maya deer came to the locality from the forest 15 days ago and was caught by the crowd. Deer are reported to be moving into the area due to saltwater intrusion into deer grazing areas. (Courtesy: Daily Ittefaq).

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