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A roaring fire is burning in front of the door: is this the door of hell? [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A fire is burning in front of the door. He has no breaks. Burning is burning. Is this actually the door to hell? This place is named the gate of hell.

Red fire burning at the door

A fire is burning in front of the door. He has no breaks. Burning is burning. This place is named the door of hell because of the constant fire. Is it really the door to hell!

Door of Hell

the gates of hell Which is called Door to hell in English. A natural gas field near the city of Drava in Turkmenistan. The fire has been burning continuously for a long time. And so it is called the gate of hell. Located in the Karakum desert, the crater is 70 meters in diameter and 20 meters long.

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According to media reports, in fact, a huge round hole has been created there. This fire is burning inside him. The crater, called the Gate of Hell, is located near the village of Darweza in the Karakum Desert of Turkmenistan.

The heat of this hell door is so intense that no one can stay near it for more than 5 minutes even if they try a thousand times. At night, this door of hell looks awfully beautiful. The place can be seen even from a distance in the dark. And then the brightness of its flame can be understood very well.

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There are many different opinions about how this giant hole of Hell's Gate was created. Many people say that it is completely natural. Some people say that it is created by human hands.

But it is known from history that it is not a natural hole. The field was discovered in 1971 during the exploration of the natural gas-rich Darwiji area in the then Soviet Union. At first they thought it was an oil field, so they set up camp there to extract oil with drilling machines. But later they saw poisonous gas coming out from there.

While searching for gas, the explorers accidentally hit a gas cave and the entire drilling rig collapsed. However, no one was injured in the accident. The researchers were convinced of the toxic methane gas after initial research. Geologists immediately decided to keep the gas vent on fire to prevent toxic gases from entering the environment. They thought there might be a limited amount of gas here. But their idea has been proved wrong and it has been burning continuously since 1971.

Watch the Hell's Gate video
