The Dhaka Times
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You can visit the dream of Disneyland for free! But how?

The Dhaka Times Desk You can visit the dream of Disneyland for free! But how? This question may come. So let's find out how to travel for free.


Donald Duck, Mickey-Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Bambi, Simba, Peter Pan, Aladdin-Jasmine, Cinderella – remember Walt Disney's characters from your childhood? As we grow up, we subconsciously like to imagine ourselves in the shoes of Johnny Depp-Kate Winslet-Leonardo DiCaprio, meet them, catch a glimpse of them – imagine being Walt Disney as a child. ' wanted to be like these characters, wanted to meet them in real life - or who knows, maybe still want to be like them, want to meet them!


But you have to go to Disneyland to meet them! Where the cost of going may not be within the reach of chaphosha Bengalis like us.

So just imagine if you can visit the Disneyland of your dreams and meet your childhood superheroes, just by downloading an app on your smartphone and taking pictures, what would it be like? Fuji Instax Bangladesh has created such an opportunity for Bangladeshis.


They have organized an interesting competition called – “Print, Fun and Win". Interested contestants can get their coveted “Disney Singapore” tickets by following a few simple steps! Yes, the lucky winner will get a Dhaka-Singapore-Dhaka air ticket with a priceless entry to Disney Singapore! So let's see what can be done to see the dream of Disneyland?

Step 1 – Contestants who wish to participate must first download “Instax Share (” app should be downloaded and installed on his phone.

Step 2 – Create an album of at least 5 photos taken with a smartphone in such a way that the photos in the album tell a story about your life or something else. That is, you have to tell the story with the pictures in the album; These pictures can be based on your life or any other event or story.

Step 3 – Then give a nice name to the story created with these 5 pictures.

Step 4 – Album photos should be printed at Instax “Kiosk Points” made at different places in Dhaka.

Step 5 – After printing the photos at the Kiosk Point you will be given a frame or like a photo book. Of course, you can also use your own frame if you want.

Step 6 – Inbox a photo of the album with your name, your story name, phone number and email address on the Fuji Instax Bangladesh Facebook page ( They will then post your album on their page with the hashtag #MyInstaxStory.

Step 7 – Share the album yourself, and ask your friends to share it too! Because, the one whose album gets shared the most times will be the lucky winner – a unique opportunity to go to Disney Singapore!

There are also great prizes for other winners – Fuji Instax Cameras and t-shirts in all the cool colors!
You can quickly install the app, take photos, print and make an album and visit the dream of Disney Singapore! So why the delay?
(*conditions apply)

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