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Funny facts about the discovery of famous people

On December 31, 1879 Thomas A. Edison gave the first public demonstration of the incandescent lamp in Menlo Park. He is seen here in 1929 holding a replica of his first lamp, which had the power of 16 candles. In contrast, the lamp on the left had the power of 150,000 candles. (UPI Photo/Files)

The Dhaka Times Desk From time to time scientists have beautified our life through various discoveries. Today's report includes interesting facts about the discovery of those famous people.

On December 31, 1879 Thomas A. Edison gave the first public demonstration of the incandescent lamp in Menlo Park. He is seen here in 1929 holding a replica of his first lamp, which had the power of 16 candles. In contrast, the lamp on the left had the power of 150,000 candles. (UPI Photo/Files)

Thomas Alva Edison. The name is very familiar to us. The reason is that he invented the world's first electric bulb of tungsten wire. It is because of him that we enjoy electric light today.

When Thomas Alva Edison invented the first electric light bulb, his lab was bustling with friends and buzzing. Journalists also appeared after receiving the news. When the bulb lit up for the first time, everyone went wild with joy.

Then Edison carefully opened the bulb and handed it to his servant, saying, 'Carefully put it in the next room.' Because of caution, Edison's stupid servant immediately dropped the world's first light bulb and smashed it. After such an incident, everyone around cried out. The servant was shocked. But Edison did not say anything to him.

A few days later, Edison made another bulb for the second time. This is the world's second electric bulb. This time his lab was crowded just like before. Those journalists and close friends appeared at that place that day as well.

Thomas Alva Edison's second light bulb also lit up. Everyone cheered again. This time Edison called his servant to carefully put the bulb in the next room. Everyone was shocked to hear Edison, 'What are you doing?
What are you doing, that donkey will break the bulb again. Leave it yourself, or give it to us.

But Edison Smith laughed and said - 'If he breaks the bulb again, I can make it again. Because the mechanism remains in my head; But after breaking the first bulb, the bulb must be given to him again to repair the broken confidence of my servant.' The servant, however, managed to return the second bulb of the earth without breaking it and put it in its right place.

One thing the incident proves is that no one should be underestimated. Confidence is a great human quality. Moreover, managing everything with a cool head is a great characteristic of people.

Source: Courtesy of Unknown Knowledge.

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