The Dhaka Times
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Airlines will weigh passengers when boarding the plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that passengers' luggage is weighed while boarding the plane. But this time there is going to be an exception. An airline will weigh the passengers when boarding the plane!

airline passengers weight

We know that passengers' luggage is weighed while boarding the plane. But this time there is going to be an exception. Airlines will weigh passengers when boarding the plane! Only after that you can board the plane. An airline company in Uzbekistan is going to introduce such a rule.

Recently, the airline said that they are installing a special device at the departure gate, this device will measure the weight of the passengers before boarding the plane.

The company also stated on its webpage, 'According to International Air Transport Association rules, pre-flight functions include weighing passengers including luggage before departure. This is being done for safety.'

However, a spokesperson for the International Air Transport Association said he was not aware of any such rules.

Note that the weight of the passengers on the plane is measured as an average. Some may be a little overweight there. Some may also be a little underweight. Such a specific weight rule is never heard of before, which is being done by the airline of Uzbekistan.

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