The Dhaka Times
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Selfie with the body of the lover after the murder!

The Dhaka Times Desk Another stick of controversy has come down with selfies. This time, after the murder, the lover took a selfie with the dead body! Everyone is shocked by such an incident.

Selfie with girl

Selfies are on the decline. There has been a lot of chatter about selfies. Various incidents are happening in the name of taking selfies. After many incidents like selfies with snakes, selfies with dead bodies of parents, selfies with corpses taken from graves, another story was heard this time. The latest addition is a selfie with the dead body of the lover!

This horrific incident happened in Nanning, South China. According to the media Times of India, a man named Qin Ung killed his lover Lin on September 6. Then took two selfies with the dead body of the lover and posted them on a social networking site.

In the first selfie, Keen is seen lying on the floor of the house with the dead Lin. In the second selfie, mat leaves are seen on the floor of the room. Two umbrellas are placed next to it and a hand saw next to it. The picture was captioned, 'Forgive me for selfish love.'

The photo was first noticed by a Chinese journalist. Then it spread rapidly. Of course, after uploading the picture, the purchase is lost. Later, the police arrested him within 9 hours with the help of Facebook photos. The incident is under investigation.

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