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US President Obama Christian or Muslim?

The Dhaka Times Desk US President Barack Obama Christian or Muslim? This question is in the minds of many. Because he was not seen following any religion.

Obama a Christian or a Muslim

Does he really want to hide his religious identity? And so many people have asked whether he is a righteous child of ungodly parents? Or was he always a Christian or always a Muslim? Or does he have a religion of his own invention? Or is he a Christian and a Muslim at the same time?

The American newspaper Washington Times continues a long investigation on this matter. According to an investigative report published in the magazine, US President Barack Obama actually behaves like a gross 'liar' about his religious life. In 2004, Obama was asked, 'Are you a Christian? He replied, 'I was brought up by my mother. My mother was a Christian.'

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Again, Obama announced in December 2007, 'I have a relationship with Islam only from my father's side. But I never practiced Islam'

In 2009, Obama spoke completely differently. Obama said, 'I didn't grow up in a particularly religious family. My father was a Muslim. My grandparents were Baptists. I wasn't a Christian before I came to Chicago.' In 2010, he said again, 'I have finally accepted Christianity.'

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Because of all this, the question naturally arises, does Barack Obama really want to hide his religious identity? Or was he always a Christian or always a Muslim? Does that mean he is a Christian and a Muslim at the same time?

On page 407 of the book 'Dreams from My Father', Obama's (grandfather) also gave a long speech about his grandfather's conversion, according to a news report by His grandfather's words were, 'Christianity seems to me a kind of foolishness. It is acceptable only for women. So that's why he converted'. Obama also said on page 104 of his book, when someone asked him (Obama), are you a Muslim? In his reply, he used to say that my grandfather was a Muslim.

All in all, there is a real confusion about US President Obama's religion. No one can tell when this tangle of smoke will open.

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