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Li Yongzhai of China eat two and a half kilograms of pepper a day!

The Dhaka Times Desk A bit too much chili pepper in the curry makes us restless. But to everyone's surprise, China's Li Yongzhai eats two and a half kilograms of pepper a day!

Chile King Li iyanjhai

We all know chili is a spicy thing. It should never be consumed in excess. But there is a person born in the world who eats as much or more pepper than rice and fish. And that's why he is called 'Chili King'. The real name of this 'Chili King' is Li Yongzhai. He lives in Hunan Province, China.

According to media reports, Li Yongzhai sometimes eats chili powder, sometimes raw chili, and sometimes boiled chili. He said, if he does not eat two and a half kilos of pepper every day, he does not sleep!

Chile King Li iyanjhai-2

And so he has planted 8 different species of pepper plants in his backyard as a hobby. Li Yongzhai was the first to be awarded the title of 'Chili King' in a chili eating contest in Hunan Province in 2009.

Li Yongzhai told reporters that he has not had any major or minor illnesses in the past eight years. "Chili King" Li Yongzhai told reporters while eating chili, "He doesn't like any food except chili." He said that he has no spiritual powers. If you like chili, eat it. Doctors also said that he is normal like everyone else. He has no physical problems either.

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