The Dhaka Times
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A 5-month-old child cries like a dog! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Such a thing has never been heard before. But this time such a news was heard. And that is a 5-month-old child crying like a dog!

children howling like a dog

Such an incredible incident happened in the state of Virginia in the United States. This 5-month-old child, a resident of that city, has not yet been taught anything by his parents. Because he spends his time in the arms of his parents.

But surprisingly, even though the child could not understand the human language, he managed to understand the dog's cry, which anyone can understand after watching the video. When the two dogs kept at the child's house started to howl, the child also tried to do the same.

Seeing such a situation, the child's family organized a competition on the issue at home. In the video, the child is also crying like a dog in his own language, just like the dogs cry. Everyone was surprised to see them.

Watch the video

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