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The story of a mysterious colorful mountain! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We have already mentioned about the mountain that changes color repeatedly. But today there is a story of a mysterious colorful mountain! This mountain is located in Zhangjia Danxia Province, North China.

"A visitor stands at a viewing platform in the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park in Zhangye, northwest Chinas Gansu province, 22 September 2012."

The color of the land of this mountain, the color of the rainbow, as if to beat. And so many painters come to this place and make various plans to paint the back cover of their masterpieces. The site covers an area of 400 square kilometers between the cities of Linji and Sunan in Gansu District, central north China.

According to a report published in the media, the Zhangjia Danxia landform was formed in North China about 600,000 years ago. The geological formations of Zhangia Dunxia are red sandstone, composed of isolated peaks and steep outcrops. Long-term snowfall, peeling glaciers, wind and water erosion have caused drastic changes in the geological structure of this Zhangjia Dunxia.

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It is said that it mainly belongs to the period of juxtaposition of Jurassic and Tertiary periods. There were horizontal and less diagonal red layers. Zhangia Dunxia is actually formed from the vertical joint development of various thick red sandstones and forces over a long period of time.

Zhangia Dunxia is mainly composed of: red gravel, sandstone and mudstone. It almost always has an arid or semi-arid climate. The outcrops here appear to be richly colored with steep walls, cross layers, vertical joints.

The news also said that geologists think that Zhangia Dunxia is the result of a natural disaster in the world. Different colors, textures, shapes, volumes and densities of this rock layer make the layer more interesting. So many painters came to this place and took various plans to paint the back cover of their masterpieces. Different colors have transformed this hill into a different kind of beauty.

Look at the colored hill

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