The Dhaka Times
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Prabha again: but this time in the role of 'Rohinga girl'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Prabha is one of the news discussed by the media. Once again Prabha news is in the headlines, but the latest news is that Prabha is playing the role of 'Rohingya girl'!

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Sadia Jahan Prabha is widely discussed and criticized actress of TV and film world. This time he is going to play the role of Rohingya. Prabha will be seen in the role of a young Rohingya in the drama 'Taan', which is about the life of a refugee.

The play was originally titled 'Refugee'. Later the name was changed to 'Tan'. After the information came to the media, it became a hot topic.

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The plot of the play includes:

Suhas, the son of a rich family, loves a Rohingya girl, Prabha. Suhas got married to a girl named Rafa. On the day of the wedding, Suhas went straight to Cox's Bazar to find Prabha, the refugee girl, without informing Kao. Ignoring all the comforts, Suhaas takes the girl named 'Tikli' (Prabha) with him.

The play 'Taan' is written by Rudra Mahfuz. The play is directed by Mahmud Didar. Apart from Prabha, Alif, Nisha and many others acted in the drama 'Taan'. However, it is not yet known when the drama is coming on which channel.

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