The Dhaka Times
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BREAKING: Raid on 'militant hideout' in Mirpur, recover grenades and explosives: 7 militants arrested

The Dhaka Times Desk The detective police recovered grenades and explosives by raiding a 'militant hideout' in Mirpur from Thursday morning. At this time 7 militants were arrested.

7 militants arrested

The members of the law and order forces have been raiding a hideout of suspected JMB members since dawn, surrounding a 6-storey building on Majhar Road near Sony Cinema Hall in Mirpur, Dhaka. Police have cordoned off the entire area.

The police said that 7 people were arrested in addition to recovering a 'huge quantity' of grenades and explosives in this operation from Thursday morning.

Metropolitan Police Additional Commissioner (Mass Media) Jahangir Alam said, RAB and SWAT members are also participating in the house in the 'A' block of Road No. 9 of Shah Ali police station.

Metropolitan Police Joint Commissioner Monirul Islam said that the JMB militants had built a hideout in a flat on the 6th floor of that house. After the operation started, they tried to escape by detonating hand-made grenades at the police. But they could not facilitate as the police were fully prepared. The police also fired several rounds in return and finally arrested them.

Meanwhile, according to the latest news, the recovered grenades are being taken to a safe place by the police and are being deactivated by the law enforcement officers.

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