The Dhaka Times
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Breaking News: Bangabandhu Bridge Accident: 4 killed

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been reported that at least 4 people have been killed in an accident on Bangabandhu Bridge. Several other vehicles collided after a bus rammed into the back of a truck on the bridge. At least 4 people have been killed.

Bangabandhu Bridge accident kills 4

The accident took place between pillars 25 and 29 at the eastern end of the Bangabandhu Bridge. It is known that a government transport bus hit a cow truck from behind. At least 4 other cars came from behind and hit there.

According to local police sources, at least 8 people were injured in this accident apart from 4 people killed. However, the names and addresses of the victims were not found. The police believe that the accident happened mainly due to fog.

It is known that traffic has been stopped due to the accident vehicles lying scattered on the bridge.

It should be noted that earlier a train derailed on this bridge. However, such an accident involving multiple accidents of a bus-truck has not been heard before.

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