The Dhaka Times
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Twins came to the world holding hands!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that twins come into the world one after the other. But this time a twin child came to earth holding each other's hands!

Twin children by hand

In most cases, the appearance of Jamak is similar. Twins are often unrecognizable. It is often difficult to read which one is who. And these twins are not born one by one. That is why there is no headache with how they stay in the stomach. Children born from the division of a single egg usually have a little more tension. Hence they are called 'identical twins' or identical twins.

Twin children by hand-2

Two twins named Christiana and Christian were born recently. But an unprecedented event happened among them. They hold each other's hands after birth! Two children were born on January 13. These twins came to the world before the scheduled time of 28 weeks in the mother's womb. A heartwarming video of them holding hands created a stir when it was posted on social media. In just a few days, it got 1 lakh shares and more than 7 million likes.

Another such incident happened in 2013. The twin sisters were born holding each other's hands. That incident got a lot of response in the media at that time. Many believe that there is always a miraculous attraction between identical twins. Christiana and Christian are healthy, but one of them has to be kept in an incubator. He is still unable to breathe with his own lungs. Maybe that's why another person has moved his small hand towards his sister!

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