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Life without two marriages!

The Dhaka Times Desk Where two marriages have to be punished, it has never been heard that if two do not marry, they will have to suffer life imprisonment! The Eritrean government has enacted such a law.

two married & jail
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According to media reports, the country's government has declared that every able-bodied man must have at least two marriages. If he disobeys the order, he will have to undergo rigorous imprisonment for life. Even if a wife prevents her husband from marrying a second time, she too has to be punished.

One such directive has been issued by the Eritrean government. After this news spread in the media, there was a sensation in the social media world.

The government order states, 'In compliance with God's law on polygamy and taking into account the declining male population in the country, the Department of Religious Affairs of the Government of Eritrea has taken the following decisions:

First: Every man will marry at least two women. Any man who refuses to do so shall be liable to imprisonment for life with hard labour. A woman who prevents her husband from remarrying will also be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Eritrea, a small country in Africa, has a population of less than 64 million. On one side of the country is Sudan and on the other side is Ethiopia. Djibouti on one side, Red Sea on the other side.

According to Zimbabwe Daily, Africa News, independent Eritrea was born in 1993 after separating from Ethiopia. Then from 1998 to 2000 there was a bloody war with Ethiopia. Many men died in the war. And since then, the number of men in the country has decreased in proportion to women. This strange order was issued recently with the rationale of this male-female ratio.

It should be noted that about half of Eritrea's population is Christian and the other half is Muslim, according to media reports.

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