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Dogs able to detect cancer by smell! [Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A new study has people hoping and wondering. And it is a dog able to detect cancer with smell! Researchers claim that it is more effective than lab tests in many cases.

Dogs are able to detect scent of cancer

According to a news published in CNN, dogs can detect cancer by smell alone, researchers claim that it is more effective than lab tests in many cases. Recently, one such breed of dog has been published. According to the report, the dog named Lucy was 95 percent successful in detecting cancer.

According to media reports, the Labrador Retriever and Iris Water Spaniel are two breeds of Shankar Lucy. As they are unable to act on the Lord's will by scent, he is trained to act on the scent of his interest. And that is the cancer detection process. They are given this training for 7 consecutive years.

According to the news, after the training, Lucy became almost an expert in this task. Even the laboratory tests show more perfection in Lucy's work! It is claimed to have correctly identified cancer in at least 95 percent of cases.

It is known that he is now continuing the work of cancer detection for a British organization called 'Medical Detection Dog'. There are 7 other dogs like him. The company's CEO, Clary Guest, was also diagnosed with breast cancer, the news reported. And his cancer was recognized by his pet dog (Labrador) Daisy

It is also said that dogs have a strong sense of smell. Because while humans have 5 million olfactory cells, dogs have 300 million. Not only that, dogs have a second sense of smell, called Jacobson's organ. Experts believe that the combination of these two has made it easier to detect cancer in dogs.

Experts say that humans have not understood this rare ability of dogs before. They were first identified in 1989. Then a doctor at King's College Hospital in London discovered it. From a woman she knows, her pet dog starts behaving differently after smelling her leg warts! During the examination, the woman was diagnosed with cancer. And since then the idea of such powers of dogs is born. Researchers continued to study those topics for a long time. As a result of which such a success has now come. If this can be done correctly with dogs, it is believed to be a breakthrough in cancer detection.

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