The Dhaka Times
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Nawaz Sharif's price has risen to 66 thousand pounds!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the Panama Papers leak, they are in a pretty embarrassing situation. Now the price of Pakistan's President Nawaz Sharif has risen to 66 thousand pounds!

Nawaz Sharif & Auction 66 thousand pounds

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's irony has not stopped since the Panama Papers leak. This time, the irony has increased several times by directly auctioning the goods on the online buying and selling site E-Bay.

The ad, with a picture of Pakistani President Nawaz Sharif, was titled, 'Unwanted Pakistani Prime Minister for Sale'. However, the identity of the person who gave this strange advertisement has not been disclosed. E-bay removed the ad from its site after a lot of uproar started.

As you know, there is usually an explanation below the title of what the auction or sale product looks like on eBay. The advertisement of Nawaz Sharif's auction read, 'Used goods. But now it is of no use. The buyer has to arrange to carry this product at his own responsibility. The seller won't touch it. Can be bought from central London today.'

It should be noted that Nawaz Sharif was in London at the time of publication of the advertisement, so the words were used in this way. It is believed that the ad was given mainly by exploiting that opportunity. A total of 12 buyers bid over 100 times before eBay removed the ad! The last price rose to 66 thousand 200 pounds!

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