The Dhaka Times
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'Mayar Bandhan' is a mega serial drama about autistic children.

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, the mega serial drama 'Mayar Bandhan' was made with autistic children. Intekhab Dinar and Nausheen acted in this 26-episode drama.

Mega drama series Maya stopping

A mega serial drama 'Mayar Bandhan' was made with autistic children. Intekhab Dinar and Nausheen acted in this 26-episode drama. They have a 7/8 year autistic child at home. whose name is Maya.

The story of this play shows how a family should behave when there is an autistic child. Based on the story of Shah Asiful Abed, the play is written and directed by Susmay Suman.

Mega drama series Maya stopping-2

Produced by Farspeed Entertainment, the drama 'Mayar Bandhan' stars Syed Hasan Imam, Monira Mithu, Mom Morshed, Shabnam Faria, Asif Swaroop, Pronil, Jerin, Hanif Palawan and child artist Ahana among others.

Producer Susmoy Suman said, 'This is the first time in Bangladesh that a mega serial has been made on the story of autistic children. Some completely different stories have emerged in this series.

He also said, 'The most interesting thing is that every 26 episodes of this drama will start with a new story. The next installment in the ongoing series will also feature autistic children. We are doing this out of social responsibility.'

The mega serial drama 'Mayar Bandhan' will be aired on Baisakhi Television every Friday and Saturday at 9:15 PM from today (May 6), the production company has informed.

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