The Dhaka Times
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Ban on marriage and funeral in North Korea!

The Dhaka Times Desk North Korea has banned weddings and funerals. Such a ban has been issued by North Korea's supreme ruler, Kim Jong-un.


According to the Daily Mail, the last meeting of North Korea's ruling party 'Workers Party' was held 36 years ago, i.e. in 1980. In the same session of the Congress, Kim Jong-il, the father of the current ruler, became the supreme power of the country after transferring power from Kim Il-sung. Like his father, 33-year-old Kim Jong-un wants to take the opportunity to increase his power through this session.

That is why he has taken all efforts to ensure that there is no disruption in the preparation of this session or during the session.

It has already been announced on the country's state television that marriages will not be allowed before or during the session. The funeral ceremony should be closed! Can't even go out of the country or return to the country from abroad!

Around this session, North Korea has temporarily banned mass gatherings such as weddings and funerals.

According to sources, the Daily Mail said, Kim also has the desire to declare North Korea as a nuclear-capable state in this congress!

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