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If you post a picture of a child, you will have to pay jail and fine!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone who posts a picture of a child will be jailed and fined! According to media reports, the French government has taken such a step.

child's picture Posted & jail-fine

From now on, think twice before posting baby pictures on social media. Because you may have to pay a fine if you are caught! The French government has made a new law that repeatedly shares photos of children who can go to jail. If the children see those pictures, the children themselves feel embarrassed after they grow up.

According to the news, children can sue their parents if they feel embarrassed about the photo after they become adults. So the law says that the fine can be up to 35000 pounds.

Many people post different pictures of children on social media to express their happiness. Many people upload funny pictures of children. Sometimes a child is seen taking a bath. There are also pictures of bathing inside the bucket.

A few days ago, a cruel mother tied a child to the ground and took a picture and posted it on Facebook. At that time, many criticized the film. That may be why the French government is believed to have taken such a step.

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