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Europe's attitude towards Nizami's execution is double-edged: Turkish President said

The Dhaka Times Desk Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has again criticized the execution of Jamaat leader Matiur Rahman Nizami, a criminal against humanity.

Turkish President

He complained that Europe is behaving duplicitously on the issue of Nizami's hanging.

Bangladesh executed Nizami on May 10 for genocide, rape and killing of intellectuals during the liberation war. These crimes have been proven by the International Criminal Tribunal, Appellate Division in the long trial.

In a televised speech last Sunday, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told Europe that, 'If you take a stand against political assassinations, why are you silent about Nizami's execution?'

Erdoğan also said, 'Have you heard anything from Europe? No, that's called two-way behavior.'

Turkey withdrew the Turkish ambassador from Dhaka in protest of Nizami's hanging. However, Bangladesh State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam said that his government does not have any information about the withdrawal.

It should be noted that since coming to power in 2002, Turkey's Islamic-based Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been trying to spread influence in the Muslim world.

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