The Dhaka Times
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Goat that has to walk with two legs! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that goats have four legs. But there is a goat that has only two legs. But the goat is walking with those two legs.

Goat and her two legs

This two-legged goat has no problem not only walking but also running. This 5-month-old kid was born with only two legs. But the surprising thing is that the day after birth he stood up on his two legs. Then within a week he learned how to walk on two legs.

The baby goat was born on December 15, 2015 in the Xinping Yi-dai area of southwest China's Yunnan Province. Locals call him 'Strong Willed Goat' as he walks confidently on both legs. A video of the goat has already gone viral.

According to local veterinarians, the goat is damaged while in the mother's womb. Due to which he was born with incomplete structure.

Although it looks unusual to everyone, the goat does not seem to have any difficulty in walking or eating. He eats standing up and spends time with other companions. Not only that, this goat can also run with other animals - which is really surprising.

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