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After two years, IS 'free' Iraq's Fallujah!

The Dhaka Times Desk The much-discussed city of Fallujah in Iraq's Anbar province is now free from the international terrorist organization IS, the country's army has claimed.

After two years of IS liberated Iraq's Fallujah

According to media reports, the international media gave this information on Sunday, quoting a senior army officer named Abdul Wahab Al-Saadi.

Lieutenant General Abdul Wahab As-Saadi, commander of the Fallujah liberation campaign, announced that the last area of the city that was under the control of IS has now been liberated. That is why Fallujah is now completely free.

He said that we are announcing from the middle Golan area that the anti-terrorist forces have liberated this area. We have good news for the Iraqi people that the battle for Fallujah is now over. He said that at least 1,800 terrorists were killed in the Fallujah operation.

The country's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the recapture of Fallujah from ISIS this month. From then on, the army started operations against IS. At this time, the country's army gradually took control of various areas of Fallujah from IS.

Note that in 2014, IS captured the city of Fallujah. The militant group captured Fallujah a few months before capturing Mosul, Iraq's second largest city.

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