The Dhaka Times
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A young woman shaved her head for cancer patients!

The Dhaka Times Desk Young women do anything to improve their hair. But this young woman named Shweta lost her hair thinking about cancer sufferers!

cancer and cut off his head

The task was not easy. Because not only in India, but more or less all over the world, head hair is seen as one of the elements of a woman's beauty and self-identity. Shweta, a painter by profession, wants to change this traditional thinking.

Mortality is cancer. The pain of this disease is also unbearable. The conventional cancer treatment called chemotherapy gives long-term relief to the cancer patient but the patient has to bear the terrible side effects of chemotherapy for as long as the treatment lasts. Severe nausea, excruciating body pain or extreme fatigue are some of the side effects. Another side effect is hair loss. Those who suffer from this problem naturally suffer from inferiority complex. That's why it's not surprising that the majority of people who buy wigs around the world are cancer patients.

This is what Shweta Elisa, a resident of Bangalore, India, thought about. Shweta witnessed the pain of cancer very closely. A few years ago, a close friend of Elisa died of cancer. Another friend's mother also died of cancer. Shweta Elisa realized how these diseased people suffer from lack of self-identity due to physical decay. That's why he took a bold decision. He shaved his head completely clean. He donated this hair cut from his head to make wigs for cancer patients!

Professional painter wants to change the traditional way of thinking of the white society. Shweta wrote on her Facebook account, 'In the hope that some child will regain their lost confidence through my hair, it inspired me to cut off all my hair.' Also, Shweta A said, 'I want those who are suffering from cancer to fight their battle more strongly. I can't change the whole world, but I can change a person's social identity. That's much more valuable to me.'

Shweta told the media, 'His family has full support. They are proud of me. It was mainly because of them that I shared the picture of my bald head on the internet, so that they could show my picture to their friends'.

Shweta is a really brave girl. Who has the courage to break the norms of the society. Many of us have compassion for cancer patients, but it is really difficult to find people in society who can sacrifice for them like Shweta!

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