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Members of 'cow protection' committee are anti-social forces: Narendra Modi

The Dhaka Times Desk Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi termed members of the so-called 'cow protection' committee as 'anti-social forces'.

Cow-protected members and Modi

According to NDTV news, Modi said that these miscreants wear cow protection masks during the day to hide their crimes at night.

In India, the Cow Protection Committee, made up of radical Hindus, has recently tortured many people for slaughtering cows or carrying beef. Besides the Muslims, the people of the Dalit Hindu community were also not spared from their persecution.

On the second anniversary of his assumption of power, Narendra Modi said in response to direct questions of the people organized for the first time in New Delhi last Saturday, 'I am very angry with those involved in the cow protection business. Cow devotion is a different thing. Cow service is also different. I have seen that some people spend the whole night committing crimes and during the day they become cowherds again. Most of them are anti-social, who are actually wearing the guise of protecting cows.'

Since Hindu nationalist leader Modi came to power, violence over beef has erupted in several Indian states, but Modi has adopted a policy of virtually remaining silent on the matter. However, many academicians in the country and the United States have also criticized the intolerance of a section of Indians towards cows.

Narendra Modi has said that he will ask various states to take action against this so-called cow protection.

On July 11, members of the cow protection committee stripped four Dalits and walked on the road in Gujarat, Modi's state, for allegedly skinning a dead cow. They were then captured on video and circulated online.

The Dalit community in Gujarat started a massive movement in protest against this incident. Last year, an elderly Muslim was brutally killed by cow protectors in Uttar Pradesh on false charges of keeping beef!

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