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The risk of two brothers to create a Guinness record! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that Guinness Book of World Records deals with all the strange records of the world. Now the two brothers risked to create a Guinness record!

Guinness record for risk of two brothers

The Guinness Book of World Records authorities recognize these records through various tests. These recorded programs are sometimes broadcast live on television. This time, one such event has surprised the audience.

Such a record has never been heard of before. Cracking the coconut with a hammer while blindfolded! This competition may not sound so scary. But how everyone will be surprised to hear that. The coconuts were placed with the body of a hearing person. When the coconuts were being cracked with a hammer, the man was lying down with his eyes closed!

Two Indian brothers named Kawaljit Singh and Karamjit Singh have done this risky feat of bursting the coconuts surrounding a person in the shortest time while blindfolded. Kawaljit Singh cracked almost all the coconuts in just one minute. To make sure that he does not see in the eyes, salt is spread over the eyes before tying the black cloth over the eyes!

Kawaljit then cracked almost all the coconuts next to Karamjit's body one by one. But surprisingly, it is true that his brother Karamjit did not even get a scratch on his body. Kawaljit had to do this very carefully and quickly. Because if the hammer fell even an inch, it would hit his brother Karamjit's body.

It should be noted that on July 25, 2014. These two brothers participated in a TV show in Milan, Italy. Karamjit Singh cracked 35 coconuts in one minute leaving his brother unharmed!

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