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In the picture, the ghostly hand on the young woman's shoulder!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us believe in ghosts. But what is the disembodied soul or ghost? Then think of the young woman's shoulder in the picture, who's that ghostly hand!


Such faith-believer conflict is never going to be resolved. The photo, taken more than a hundred years ago, has already sparked controversy. The image was recently discovered from an old museum. The picture was published on the Internet.

As soon as the film was released, there was a stir worldwide. Many people think that this picture can be said to be a direct proof of the wandering of disembodied spirits in the world. What is the history of this film?


This photo was taken in 1900 at a linen mill in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The black-and-white photo shows 15 young women standing in a row smiling, all former workers of the mill. But if you look closely at the picture, you can understand a hand on the neck of a young woman. Where did that hand actually come from? This question may come up. Whose hand could it actually be? The hand of a colleague of the girl? It can be seen in the picture that they all have their hands folded. So whose hand is this?

This is how the doubt grows. Paranormalists say that this hand cannot be possessed by a spirit! For some reason, at that time, an incorporeal spirit may have taken physical form and put its hand on the girl's shoulder. However, claiming that this film is 'edited', this doubt cannot be completely ruled out. One of the reasons for this is that no photo editor like Photoshop was invented in 1900. So does it really bear evidence of the existence of ghosts on earth?

None of the 15 young women in the film or the film's photographer are still alive who would have been best placed to argue for or against the film's physicality. So the mystery is getting closer. Is that hand really a disembodied spirit, or did someone jokingly hide behind the girl's back and put his hand on her shoulder while taking the picture? I think the answer to that question may not be liked by anyone. So what will remain the question?

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