The Dhaka Times
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Wi-Fi hotspots and special shoes with display facilities have come to the market!

The Dhaka Times Desk The world of technology is going to give people an unimaginable dream. In short, this technology is changing from top to bottom. With the excellence of technology, special shoes with Wi-Fi hotspot and display facilities have come to the market!


The big thing is that the tendency of technicians towards the bottom in recent times is very high. The reason is that there are several variations in shoes these days.

Nike, the famous sports accessories maker, has launched a sci-fi movie inspired sneaker that will tie its own laces. That is, according to the size of your feet, the shoes will be tied automatically! It is named Self Lacing Keds.

As soon as it was cut off, Virgin America brought such a Keds, which has many digital facilities. It also has a monitor or display, where videos can be played. Moreover, this is no ordinary shoe, it uses very high quality Italian white leather. There are also USB ports, Wi-Fi hotspot, rechargeable battery that will last up to three hours. With the help of its USB port, you can charge your mobile again!

Originally this shoe was auctioned for a charity foundation. Where the price of these sneakers has already risen to 10,000 dollars. You can participate in this auction by visiting the eBay web page.

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