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The High Court has ordered to suspend the effectivity of gas price hike in the 2nd phase for 6 months

Rule issued to find out why the public notice issued regarding the increase in gas prices should not be declared invalid

The Dhaka Times Desk The High Court has ordered to suspend the effectivity of gas price hike in the 2nd phase for 6 months. Moreover, the High Court has issued a ruling to find out why the public notice issued regarding the increase in gas prices in two phases at the customer level will not be declared illegal.

গ্যাসের দাম ২য় দফায় বৃদ্ধির কার্যকারিতা ৬ মাস স্থগিত রাখার নির্দেশ দিয়েছে হাইকোর্ট 1

The court ordered a six-month suspension of the second round of gas price hike from June until the ruling is settled.

Today (Tuesday) at noon, after the preliminary hearing of a writ application of the consumer organization CAB, the High Court bench consisting of Justice Mainul Islam Chowdhury and Justice JBM Hasan gave this order.

The court asked the chairman and secretary of Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission to explain this rule within the next four weeks.

Engineer Mobaswer Hossain filed this writ petition in the High Court on behalf of CAB. The petition seeks a stay on the operation of the gas price hike notification. Advocate Mohammad Saiful Alam heard the petition.

It is to be noted that on February 23, the government increased the price of gas at the consumer level after one and a half years. It has been announced that this price increase will be implemented in two phases. The first phase of price hike will be effective from March 1 and the second phase from June 1. 22.07 percent average price increase in 8 sectors in two phases.

Consumer rights organizations, common people, political parties, industrialists, leaders of various chambers have ignored the recommendations of the Technical Committee of Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission and the price of gas has been increased this time. Which has caused extreme suffering for common people.

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