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6 easy ways to maintain good eyesight

The Dhaka Times Desk Your eyesight has been declining since birth. Your eyesight was better at age two than at age 10. This subtle change in vision is usually not noticed unless you have an eye exam. Although vision loss is inevitable with age, you can keep your vision in good shape by following the 6 tips below.


Eat carrots

During World War II, there was a story about a skilled fighter pilot named John Cunningham of the British Royal Air Force who flew fighter jets in the dark of night to attack the enemy. He used to eat carrots so he developed this keen eyesight. Everyone called him 'cat eyes'.

Although this is an old story, in fact doctors say that carrots contain effective ingredients for improving eyesight. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, vitamin A will help improve your eyesight.

Eat vitamins A, C, E and zinc

If you don't want to eat carrots, other vitamin rich foods then you must take these vitamin rich capsules. These vitamins will not restore your eyesight but will prevent it from getting worse. Experts believe that vitamins A, E, C and zinc are very effective in maintaining good eyesight.

Exercise your eyes:

By exercising your eye muscles, the internal blood circulation of your eyes will increase, resulting in better eyes. However, exercise will not improve your eyesight, it will only help your eyes function better. Check out some of these excellent eye exercises and try them out.

Use sunglasses that protect against UV rays: Strong sunlight and the accompanying ultraviolet rays can cause serious damage to your eyes. These rays cause a lot of damage to the cornea including damaging the eye tissue. For this reason, don't forget to wear sunglasses whenever you go out in the sun.

Work in the right amount of light:

When you work or study in insufficient light, your eyes are strained. This results in pressure on the eyes. On the other hand, working in excessive light is also harmful to the eyes. This can cause eye damage. Always try to work in sufficient light to reduce the stress caused by these changes in light.

Adjust the brightness of your computer monitor:

Now is the age of technology. Computers are being used in almost all places of Bangladesh. Maybe you have to work on the computer for hours at a time because of the constant staring at the computer monitor affecting your eyesight. To avoid this effect, you should keep the brightness of your computer monitor at a tolerable level. If you find it annoying to turn up or down the brightness of your computer then you want to f.lux You can download the free software named It will automatically adjust the brightness of your computer monitor during the day and at night. As a result, the impact on the eyes will be reduced and the burning of the eyes due to prolonged work will also be reduced.

Remember you can only fix your eyesight, so if you're not careful now, you'll pay later.

Data sources: India Times

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