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5 tips to protect the liver

The liver controls several activities in the body

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know liver is an important organ of the body. But many of us don't have a clear idea about what exactly the liver does in the body and what we need to do to keep it healthy. Let us know the details.

Liver function

Liver is involved in several important functions of the body. It keeps the blood clean by eliminating various harmful chemicals produced in the body. The liver produces a liquid substance called bile, which helps break down fats from food. In addition, the liver stores glucose. When the body needs energy, the liver supplies energy through this stored glucose.

Follow the points below to keep your liver healthy:

Eat a balanced diet

You need to eat a balanced diet to keep your liver healthy. So eat fish, meat, fruits and fresh vegetables every day. Avoid eating anything half-cooked, and drink plenty of water.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise reduces the possibility of fat accumulation in the liver. As a result, its normal performance is maintained.

Avoid pollution

Pollutants are extremely harmful to the liver. So avoid polluted environment to keep liver healthy. Always wear a mask when using the aerosol.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is very harmful for the liver. Alcohol can destroy liver tissue and cause liver damage. So avoid consuming all types of drinks that contain alcohol.

Make a habit of drinking coffee

Coffee is good for liver health. It is not yet known exactly why drinking coffee reduces the risk of liver problems. But there is no doubt about the truth of the matter.

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