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Al-Qaeda has released the Swedish hostage after 6 years

Gustafsson was captured by al-Qaeda militants in November 2011 in the northern Mali city of Timbuktu.

The Dhaka Times Desk Al-Qaeda has released the Swedish hostage after 6 long years. In 2011, 42-year-old Swedish citizen Johan Gustafsson was captured by Al-Qaeda from Mali.

৬ বছর পর সুইডিশ জিম্মিকে মুক্তি দিয়েছে আল-কায়েদা 1

He was detained by Al-Qaeda for the past 6 years from 2011. Sweden's Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the press that he was released after 6 long years.

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström said in a statement that Gustafsson was brought to Sweden from Africa.

The Swedish foreign minister said it was with great pleasure to announce that Gustafsson had been released. We brought him back.

Gustafsson was captured by al-Qaeda militants in November 2011 in the northern Mali city of Timbuktu. He was accompanied at the time by South African Stephen McGowan and Dutchman Sajac Rijke. This information was given in BBC news.

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