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Asthma: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

This causes a person to have trouble breathing and coughing

The Dhaka Times Desk Asthma is a very distressing disease. Those who have this problem can understand the kind of difficulties they face because of it. Today the causes, symptoms and remedies of this disease are written in detail.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a disease that causes the airways to become narrowed, swollen, and produce excess mucus. This causes a person to have trouble breathing and coughing. While some people do not suffer much from asthma, many suffer from severe problems as a result. Although there is no cure for asthma, proper treatment can greatly reduce the severity of the problems caused by it.


It is not possible to say with certainty exactly what causes a person to develop asthma. However, it is assumed that A person can be affected by environmental and genetic factors.


shortness of breath
chest pain
Inability to sleep due to cough

Treatment and prevention

If the above-mentioned symptoms persist for a long time, you must consult a doctor, and make sure that you are really suffering from asthma. But to naturally prevent asthma, you should avoid exposure to smoke, dust, chemicals, or other substances that aggravate your asthma.

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