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3000 years of work can be done in one day, Japan is making a super computer!

Japan is aiming to complete its construction by April next year

The Dhaka Times Desk Japan is making 'strange' super computer! Many people have no idea about the power of this supercomputer. 3 thousand years of work can be done in one day with the computer!

৩ হাজার বছরের কাজ একদিনেই করা যাবে এমন সুপার কম্পিউটার তৈরি করছে জাপান! 1

Previously, the US-made 'Corey' supercomputer had a capacity of 14 petaflops. That is, capable of calculating 14 million billion (1 million equals 10 lakhs and 1 billion equals 100 crores) every second.

Hearing about the power of this computer, many people's eyes are raised. Apart from this, two other supercomputers named 'Sequoia' and 'Titan' made in the United States have 17 and 18 petaflops respectively. Many thought it would be impossible for any other country to surpass this power of supercomputers.

But China made the 'impossible' possible. The country's scientists built a supercomputer called Tianhe-2 with a capacity of 34 petaflops. Many people were shocked.

However, another supercomputer named Sunway Taihulite made in China with a capacity of 93 petaflops was presented with more surprise. At the time, researchers thought it could be the most powerful supercomputer ever built.

However, Japan is going to take away the 'best' title of this Chinese super computer. The country's scientists are working on creating a supercomputer called AI Bridging Cloud, which will have a capacity of 130 petaflops!

It is capable of 130 million billion calculations per second! In simple words, 9 supercomputers like America's supercomputer 'Corey' will be needed to do the same amount of work as this Japanese supercomputer. Japan is aiming to complete its construction by April next year.

Director General of Japan's Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Chei Ki Guchi told the media that many people have no idea about the power of supercomputers. Moreover, the calculation of millions of billions will not enter the mind of ordinary people.

He said, only by giving a simple example will the matter be clear to them. The work that can be done in one day with a supercomputer, it will take 3 thousand years to do the same amount of work with the desktop or laptop computer that we have at home! To keep this supercomputer in Japan, a house of 1,000 square meters will be needed! About the same amount of space would be needed to park 40 private cars. Supercomputers are usually used in very complex scientific research or artificial intelligence, weather and climate forecasting, drug research, industrial design, etc.

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